Change The Layout To Add Value To Your Investment

Speaker 1: Sometimes it's really easy to change a few things to make it a much more functional space. A lot of people have their home, they change their home for what fits to them. When you buy this, this is a good example. This was one long room. They made it like a really…

Buying Mobile Homes Can Be Great!

Speaker 1: Mobile homes. A lot of people want to knock them. "Oh, why would I want to rehab the mobile home?" Or, "I don't want to do that." I see it a little different. When you're looking at these mobile homes, lots of times they're really nice, or they can be really nice. Plus,…

5 Unexpected Costs You Face When Selling Your House in San Antonio

Proper planning can allow you to avoid the shock and consequences that come from the actual costs of selling your house. You want to gather as much information as possible regarding what your true costs will be because this will help you make an educated decision about the best sales method for your circumstances. Some … Continued

5 Challenges of Selling Your House in the Winter in San Antonio

Sellers face many challenges, from deciding which sales method suits their circumstances to when to list their house on the market. Winter can bring the need to change your approach to how you handle a variety of tasks.  If you’re selling your house in San Antonio during this season, information about handling these tests of … Continued

What Homeowners in San Antonio Can Expect During the Foreclosure Process

If you’re concerned about your property going into foreclosure due to circumstances beyond your control, the optimum scenario would be to work with your lender for a resolution before things go any further. However, going through the foreclosure process can be made easier when homeowners understand what lies ahead, so read on and then later … Continued

Should You Sign a Trust Deed When Selling Your House in San Antonio?

With so much paperwork to sign and complicated terminology involved in the transaction at closing, it can be confusing to understand just who signs a trust deed and when. However, holding real estate in a revocable living trust comes with many benefits, including estate tax savings, protection from creditors and avoiding probate. So read on … Continued

How to Sell Your San Antonio House Fast, Even in a Slow Market

If you’re concerned about how difficult it might be to sell your San Antonio house quickly when there is a slow market, fear not; cash investors offer a quick, money-saving alternative to the traditional home sales process. So read on as we explore how to sell your San Antonio house fast, even in a slow … Continued

5 Tips for Selling Your San Antonio House in the Current Market

While real estate markets go through shifts and there is a cooling trend, the numbers show home prices are still rising, and the inventory of available homes is still low. Because of the law of supply and demand, the current market is still considered a seller’s market. However, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and … Continued

How to Sell Your House During Bankruptcy in San Antonio

If you own a home when you file for bankruptcy, it becomes part of the bankruptcy estate, the property or assets you own. In October of 2022, there was a twenty-seven percent increase in chapter 13 bankruptcy filings over the previous year. Bankruptcies, including all chapters, total a seven percent increase overall, which correlates strongly … Continued

How Absentee Owners Can Sell a House in San Antonio

Are you an absentee owner considering selling your vacant property? Absentee owners often need help managing the logistics of interactions with realtors, buyers, and other professionals, often missing time from their work, family, and friends to travel to the property.  The conventional listing process is highly costly. With so much riding on the line, it … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your San Antonio House to Local Cash Investors

From the initial prep work to the day-to-day pressure to keep your home picture perfect for possible last-minute showings, listing a home for sale can be a stressful and exhausting experience for the entire family, not to mention expensive and highly time-consuming. However, suppose your property or circumstances are not a perfect fit for listing … Continued

How to Know if it is Time to Sell Your House in San Antonio

While most homeowners expect to sell their homes at some point, sudden life changes like a job relocation or a family member who needs our care can force the decision. But, without that pressure, it can be a difficult decision. So often, homeowners remain in place long after the home best serves their needs because … Continued

3 Things You Should Know About Inheriting Real Estate in San Antonio

It may sound exciting to have inherited real estate. However, quite often, the reality of inheriting real estate from well-meaning loved ones or friends isn’t all pleasant, rarely is the property pristine and free of debt. Therefore, it’s beneficial to consult an attorney and accountant experienced in real estate, whether you have inherited the property … Continued
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