Sometimes it’s really easy to change a few things to make it a much more functional space. A lot of people have their homes, they change their homes for what fits to them. When you buy this, this is a good example. This was one long room. They made it like a really long bedroom. It was probably originally two rooms. But what we did was come in, we put a wall in here and we left a space. So you leave a space, so you can put a closet on this side and the same on the other side. You’re adding a doorway. It’s not super expensive, but now you have two bedrooms instead of one shorter, really long room that’s in here. And then you’ll see where people make changes that, as I said, it probably fit for them, but that does not make it the best for your investment.
Make It More Functional
It always helps to have a more functional space. Buyers can feel when a layout isn’t right and you will appeal to more people if you take those negative feelings away. We made a few changes to make this house more functional, this was just one little doorway in here. So lots of times people will put in just a standard door. Well, if we open this up, the kitchen was a little too small and it didn’t have any cabinets. But once we open that space up and now we have room to put in more cabinets. We’ll make this kitchen have a better, really functional layout. And then there was another standard door here that went into this. It’s really just an extra room or maybe an extra family room. By shifting that over, now we’ll put a door in here and you come in here, put a door in here and a closet, now we have a three-bedroom house(we need a closet to call it a bedroom). It definitely makes the house more functional, but it also adds a ton of value by adding another bedroom.
So you had a one-bedroom house with kind of two living rooms and a kitchen that didn’t make a ton of sense. Now you’ve got a three bedroom, one bath house. The kitchen’s going to be laid out much better and will be a better fit for more families. For almost everybody, that’s going to fit better. But look for those little changes. Look for those spaces where, “Oh, it’s only a two-bedroom or one super long one-bedroom.” It probably was two bedrooms originally. Somebody just took out a wall and you can put it back. Give yourself the room for that. When you make those little changes, it’s a better house for the buyer and it’s a better product to put out and you’re going to increase your profit margin and make your investment more successful.
I hope this helps. If we can do anything for you, gives us a shout, (210) 201-6644, or on the website,